“To tinker is to study. To fail is to be human. To make is to empower.” This is the motto of the CO•, an Oregon State University/Corvallis partnership hosting the fourth annual Corvallis Maker Fair on Saturday, April 15.
“As a space and a concept, the CO• makes the room necessary for the uncertainty and experimentation of the learning process,” reads the group’s online manifesto. “Trying, failing, and trying again is a fundamental component of learning.”
The Maker Fair includes exhibitors like HP and the HP Makerspace, the OSU DAMLab, ChickTech, da Vinci Days, Viking Mars Mission Makers, Gearbox, Corvallis Geek Olympics, Pi Dads, the Mobile Color Lab, and the Thinker Tinker Trailer. Attendees will have the opportunity to play virtual reality video games, learn basic computer programming, tie fly fishing flies, and more.
This year the fair has also partnered with SPARK, OSU’s year-long celebration of the arts and sciences, to host a new event, “SEA Through the Eyes of an Artist,” which offers a day of art and science activities on Friday, April 14, including boat building, octopus enrichment, and earthquake and tsunami activities.
Ready to get your hands dirty?
“SEA Through the Eyes of an Artist” will take place on Friday, April 14 from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Furman Hall. The fourth annual Corvallis Maker Fair will be held on Saturday, April 15 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Memorial Union Ballroom and the Student Experience Center Plaza. Both are free and open to the public. More information can be found at http://www.corvallismakerfair.
By Maggie Anderson