8 Days a Week…

Thursday, April 20

Reception: Microbiomes: Imagining the Unseen. The Arts Center, 700 SW Madison Ave., Corvallis. 4 – 8 p.m. Free.

Microbial systems seen through the eyes of artists, looking at questions of “how to see the unseen.” Not the first entry this week that deserves a lot more text than I have space for, but this will be an epic exhibition that’ll be interesting for scientists, artists, and pretty much everyone else. For more info, visit theartscenter.net.

Curtis Monette. Bombs Away Café, 2527 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis. 8:30 p.m. Free.

The legendary Curtis Monette, for free. The only way to get it better than that is if Bombs started paying you to show up and eat their food. For info, visit bombsawaycafe.com/music-art/.


Friday, April 21

LMNO. Cloud & Kelly’s Public House, 126 SW First St., Corvallis. $5.

Original tunes and covers alike with hints of jazz, rock, Latin, and more from some of Corvallis’ best veteran musicians. Groovy high-quality jams you won’t soon forget – and it doesn’t hurt that they’re named after some of my favorite letters. One of the most indisputably solid acts in town. For info, visit cloudandkellys.com/music_and_nightlife/ or facebook.com/CloudAndKellys/.

Thormahlens. Imagine Coffee, 5460 SW Philomath Blvd., Corvallis. 7 9 p.m. Free.

Admittedly, I know very little about the harp besides the fact that it looks like a pain to tune and is a favorite of cartoon angels. This guitar/harp duo is known in these parts for their excellently performed and classic sound, so if you’re looking for a relaxing evening of music without the sonic assault, mark your calendars. For info, visit imaginecoffee.net.


Saturday, April 22

Science Worth Spreading. Learning Innovation Center, Room 100, 165 SW Sackett Pl., Corvallis. 10 11:30 a.m. Free.

Robust, seven-minute talks from OSU scientists – complete with post-talk discussion. Free coffee at 9 a.m. and free pizza afterwards. For info, visit impact.oregonstate.edu/2017/03/science/.

Corvallis March for Science. Benton County Courthouse, 120 NW Fourth St., Corvallis. 1 4 p.m.

The march features “a diversity of local presenters including researchers, teachers, artists, and musicians.” Non-partisan and affiliated with the March for Science Washington, D.C. event, it’s “a celebration of a passion for science and a call to safeguard scientific resources in the wake of recent policy changes.” Stand up and advocate!

Far Out West + Spun Honey. Bombs Away Café, 2527 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis. 9 p.m. $5. Straight outta Portland comes funky Americana band Far Out West and soulful rock act Spun Honey. If you’re in the mood for some seriously smooth rock goodness, this will absolutely hit the spot. Get a preview by visiting http://www.spunhoneymusic.com and https://www.reverbnation.com/faroutwest. For more info, visit bombsawaycafe.com/music-art/.


Sunday, April 23

Getting into Beekeeping. Shonnard’s Nursery, 6600 SW Philomath Blvd., Corvallis. 11 p.m. Free.

I have to be honest with you, me and bees don’t get along. They fly around, I run away – it’s been that way for years. We have an understanding. Thankfully, you’re not a total scaredy-cat, so if you’ve ever been interested in beekeeping, step right up! This class provides “an understanding of the financial and time requirements associated with beekeeping, basic tools and equipment, basic hive biology, and frequently asked questions about bees and their care.” For info or to register, visit shonnards.com/events/.

Yoga on Tap. Mazama Brewing, 33930 SE Eastgate Cr., Corvallis. $15 includes yoga and your first Mazama beer.

Do I really have to explain this one? World-class brews and some serious yoga action… This recurring event is clearly a winner around these parts. No yoga or beer guzzlin’ experience required, though I’m sure that wouldn’t be a problem anyway. A delicious pint comes with the price of admission (just pick something at random – they’re seriously all that good). For ages 21 and up only! For more foamy info, visit squareup.com/store/UrbanYoga.


Monday, April 24

Poems in Between. Allison Room, First Presbyterian Church, 114 SW Eighth St., Corvallis. 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Guests of members pay $5, visitors pay $10; no one is turned away.

Willamette Writers on the River offers up an evening with Henry Hughes, who will be on hand discussing his writing process. Hughes is a professor of English at Western Oregon University. His extensive body of work and more information can be found online at http://hughespoetry.com. For info, visit willamettewriters.org/wwotr.

The Wars in Iraq and Syria – National, Regional, and Global Implications. Construction and Engineering Hall, LaSells Stewart Center, 875 SW 26th St., Corvallis. 7:30 p.m.

Director of Middle East Programs at the U.S. Institute of Peace Sarhang Hamasaeed will be looking at the complexities of war in reference to ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Syria. For info, visit oregonstate.edu/ua/ncs/archives/2017/apr/oregon-state-university-observe-holocaust-memorial-week-events-april or holocaust.oregonstate.edu.


Tuesday, April 25

Reflections on the Holocaust – Lucille Eichengreen. Austin Auditorium, LaSells Stewart Center, 875 SW 26th St., Corvallis. 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Free.

Thanks to living near OSU, Corvallisites are privy to all sorts of incredible talks – and this is certainly no exception. This time around it’s Lucille Eigengreen, who was born as Cecilia Landau in Hamburg, Germany in 1925. Eichengreen endured some of the worst parts of the Holocaust as a teenager, surviving the Lodz Ghetto, Auschwitz, and Bergen-Belsen. Her mother died of starvation, and her father and sister were murdered in Nazi camps. After being liberated, she helped the British identify more than 40 war criminals. Since moving to the U.S., she “has spoken widely of what she saw and experienced during the war and has been much honored for this educational work, particularly in Germany. Her memoir, From Ashes to Life, tells her story in detail.” For more information, visit eventbrite.com/e/reflections-on-the-holocaust-tickets-33054364494.


Wednesday, April 26

Wildflower Walk and Picnic. Little Willamette, Corvallis and Albany. 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Free.

You are free to explore the Little Willamette conservation area, a private plot taken care of by the Greenbelt Land Trust. Near the Willamette River in Albany, this beautiful space is overflowing with wildlife, wildflowers, and more. Bring a picnic for sunset, and a notebook for any interesting tidbits offered by land trust Restoration Manager and plant expert Matt Blakeley-Smith. Fans of the great outdoors shouldn’t miss this chance as we finally start working our way into spring. With any luck it won’t be raining, and really, who cares if it is? A good time for everyone but the most jaded shut-ins. For more info, contact Rebecca at [email protected].


Thursday, April 27

34th Annual Exhibition of Fine Woodworking. Corvallis-Benton County Public Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis. 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Free.

Every year members of the Mid-Willamette Woodworking Guild put together this incredible exhibition for lucky individuals such as yourself. Collaborating with Crescent Valley High School’s woodworking program, the event features professional and student work alike. For more woodsy info, visit mwwg.net.

Free Range Open Mic. Bombs Away Café, 2527 NW Monroe Ave., Corvallis. 8:30 p.m. Free.

If you’re into open mics, music, the Corvallis music scene, or anything in between, do yourself a favorite and make it a point to be a Free Range regular. Build your skills, be heard, and in turn hear others. Share, socialize, collaborate. This is the petri dish through which to grow your funk. For more information, find yourself browsing http://www.bombsawaycafe.com.